Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dancing Around Their Queen

I don't know if any of you sees it this way. When I listen to baroque music and all the ornamentations that go along with it I imagine the tonic (the first note of a scale) or any of the 'more important' notes of that scale as a beautiful noble lady. And I envision the ornaments as her 'súditos', her subjects, dancing around her. All the trillos, mordants and cadences are dancing baroque steps, inevitably arriving at their Queen sitting on her throne.

Friday, March 25, 2016


Tulips of many colors: purple, yellow, red, orange and silver. The ground was like a giant colorful wave swaying in the wind. From the sky my wings melted and I dove right in. The petals were soft like satin and they smelled like fresh life. Slowly I hovered over the purple ones and sank in till my body kissed the Earth. And so I rested.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Throw It All Up In The Air

Throw it all up in the air and see how everything falls down.

It's very windy today. The doves are cooing, as usual. A staple sound of Austin. The birds sing and the siren screams. Saturday morning in the midst of SXSW. The colors outside are reserved. Green, gray and cream. The chimes tell us of tales not ever told. We daydream listening to its words of wisdom. Whispers from a past long ago.

Sim querido vento me conta as suas histórias e aventuras. Quantas folhas te passaram. Quantos pássaros te cantaram. Quantas árvores você já adormeceu, quantos galhos são sua família? O seu sino é cristalino, lá do céu, do Paraíso. Esse seu Paraíso que é realmente na Terra. Seu som, sua música eterna, sua vibração que nunca vai parar. O vento canta nas folhas, como se fosse o mar. Você pode imaginar um mundo sem esse som? Sem árvores, sem verde, apenas pedras e areia? Não. Não quero. Isso seria profundamente infeliz.